Busy, busy month!

I really have been doing more than reading books for book reviews–I promise! There are actually a ton of things on my to-do list and I’ve been really busy. I did add nearly 13,000 words to various manuscripts last month, and I’ve already gotten...

Librarian’s Conference

Today I was able to attend UELMA’s Southern Utah Regional Workshop –I have no idea what UELMA stands for, but the attendees were librarians from schools south of Provo and included people from all over the region. I was able to sit at a table with Laura...
Tristi’s Book Launch

Tristi’s Book Launch

Saturday after spending several hours making stops for our business on the way north, I finally made it to Tristi’s book launch party at Provident Book and Humdinger Toys in Pleasant Grove, which is sadly closing this month. It was a great event with lots of...