July’s Writing Challenge

Okay, so don’t believe me when I say I’m going to post more regularly. I’m probably just dreaming anyway. But check back here Wednesdays for some reviews/author interviews for some great new books that are coming up. I plan to review every Wednesday,...
New Arrivals and This Month’s Goals

New Arrivals and This Month’s Goals

I’ve been having a fun hatching week. Last year my duck eggs were all duds–not a fertile one in the bunch, so I was really excited when I checked these and saw growth after the first week. Now the first batch has hatched I love watching them play. See how...

January Writing Goal

Well Tristi Pinkston has issued her quarterly challenge. She has been calling them her book-in-a-month challenges, but since some of us are planning to edit, it’s whatever writing goal we want to accomplish. I didn’t do so hot last time, but my goal for...

Tristi’s BIAM Challenge

So my friend Tristi Pinkston has many blogs. I don’t know how she manages to keep up with them all, and her kids, and her writing, etc, etc, but she’s amazing (and she’s a dang awesome writer too). Anyway, on her blog Tristi’s Challenges,...

Great news!

First off, I’ve had at least half a dozen ideas for posts pop into my head over the past week but I’ve been way too busy to blog. At least that’s my excuse. I’m sure I’ll be posting about the Storymakers conference for a while as I review...