Book Review: “Venom” by K.C. Grant

Samantha Evans is a young college grad embarking in her first grown-up job in advertising. She’s been with the new company for several months and hasn’t gotten the chance to show off her skills beyond faxing, copying and filing, so when she stumbles on an opportunity...

Book Review: “The Alias” by Mandi Slack

What happens when two FBI agents start to dog your footsteps and you’re afraid your violent ex-husband is going to track you down and make you pay for taking away his son (even with the court’s approval?). Obviously it’s time to get away—and how better than to take an...

“Trapped” by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen

A forged letter, a golden vial, an ancient curse… Her expression remained somber, but excitement crept into her voice. You are the Firstborn She…You must go to them. You want me to act as bait? Not bait, Emi. A spy. Our Trojan horse. When Emi Warrin wakes...