Story Structure: Ocean Waves or Stairsteps?

Story Structure: Ocean Waves or Stairsteps?

I’ve spent quite a while mulling over one of my writing projects lately, trying to decide what wasn’t working. Now don’t get me wrong, the characters are terrific (if I do say so myself), the set up is good, the chemistry between all of the players...

Book Review: YA fantasy “Key of Kilenya”

As a writer, I’m always on the lookout for great new books to read–and I try to read widely in lots of different genres and age groups, not just the ones I’m writing in at the time. So I was excited to be asked to participate in the blog tour for...

New baby chicks!

The past couple of years I hatched baby chicks from February until Halloween or Thanksgiving–there are few things as fun as going to my incubator and finding new babies. This year I’ve been running like crazy and haven’t even cleaned out my...

Blank Slate blog tour dates

I’m so excited about the release of my new book Blank Slate and the seriously awesome Tristi Pinkston has set up my blog tour for me. She’s arranged a great line up of reviewers throughout the month of July. The reviewers are going to post a discount...

Book Review: (dis)Abilities and the Gospel

Today I’m so excited to tell you about a new resource for parents and church leaders. My friend Danyelle Ferguson and co-author Lynn Parsons have recently published their book (dis)Abilities and the Gospel: How to Bring People with Special Needs Closer to Christ. The...