How do You Train the Monkey?

How do You Train the Monkey?

I was reading a book recently and came across an interesting passage where Fo (short for Forest) talks about the difference in the way his best friend reacts to himself versus other people. In it he refers to that reaction as how they ‘trained the monkey.’...

Write Campaign flash fiction challenge

I’ve never participated in flash fiction before, but since I was challenged to write something for the Writer’s Platform challenge #1, I thought I’d explore a snippet of an idea that came from a dream a few nights back. It’s YA and sci-fi?...
Story Structure: Ocean Waves or Stairsteps?

Story Structure: Ocean Waves or Stairsteps?

I’ve spent quite a while mulling over one of my writing projects lately, trying to decide what wasn’t working. Now don’t get me wrong, the characters are terrific (if I do say so myself), the set up is good, the chemistry between all of the players...

Writer Neurosis

Today in my writing forum one of the ladies posted about how she was preparing a query for one of her books and how frustrated and discouraged she was. She said her book felt like trash compared to other things she read in the market and she wasn’t sure whose...

Making Description Stand Out

I’ve been receiving David Farland/Wolverton’s Kick in the Pants for Writers enewsletter for a few months now and always enjoy the tidbits he has to share. The latest edition is all about description and characterization and how to make it work. We’re...

Don’t Quit!

I promised more information about the awesome writers conference I attended this past weekend. First, let me say that I have been to all six of the LDS Storymaker’s conferences, starting way back in the Little Brown Theater in 2004. There were 42 attendees that...