by Heather | Jun 23, 2011 | Blog, Book news, randomness
Wow, I can’t believe it’s Thursday already. I had a great plan for my Medial Monday post, and intended to add a few more chapters of Blank Slate for your reading pleasure yesterday, but life got away from me. (I hate it when that happens.) Instead of...
by Heather | May 25, 2010 | Blog, Book news
There are lots of fun things going on for me lately. I’ve been busy, busy, busy with Costco book signings, which has been great, and I’ve had a chance to meet and talk with so many people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I don’t anticipate that...
by Heather | May 11, 2010 | Blog, book signings, cake decorating
Lots of fun and exciting things are going on in my next of the woods right now. My book, “Rebound” is now in Costcos across Utah (unless you’re north of Sandy, though those are supposed to be getting copies of my books too), and at an awesome price...
by Heather | Nov 9, 2009 | Blog, blog tour, book signings
I know, I meant to post these photos two weeks ago, but you know how that goes. I had my Fillmore launch party on Oct 24th at my local library which went pretty well! I had a lot of friends show up and stay to talk and yummy cookies and punch. My friend Danyelle...