by Heather | Nov 17, 2011 | Blog, free reads
Yes, I said that right, except you don’t have to read it, you could listen to the audio instead. How, you ask? Pop over to Big World Network and check it out, or any of the other fourteen stories being posted as serials. Serials, you ask? Did you know Charles...
by Heather | Aug 3, 2011 | Blog, Deleted scenes, Sweet Bites Mysteries
Though I protested that the key fit the back door just fine, Honey dragged me around front. In moments, I found myself sliding the key in the lock of the glass door at the front of the restaurant I hadn’t stepped foot into since before Grandma died over two years...
by Heather | Jul 21, 2011 | Blog, Deleted scenes
Last week I posted the original chapter 1 for my culinary mystery. This is the deleted chapter 2. The headlights slashed onto my best friend’s face, making her teeth glow white against her caramel-colored skin. She sat on the steps leading up to my grandma’s place,...
by Heather | Jul 14, 2011 | Blog, Deleted scenes, Sweet Bites Mysteries
Okay, I know, it’s not Wednesday anymore (I’m still trying to figure out what happened to last week), but I wanted to share a couple of deleted scenes from my culinary mystery–which still needs some tweaks before I start submitting, but we’re...