Yes, I said that right, except you don’t have to read it, you could listen to the audio instead. How, you ask? Pop over to Big World Network and check it out, or any of the other fourteen stories being posted as serials. Serials, you ask? Did you know Charles Dickens posted his stories as serials in a paper he published–which means he posted a new section in each publication and people followed it for months (let me tell you, with the length of some of his books, that must have taken a very long time.) So why is this different? Well for one thing, there’s the issue with the free audio downloads, and before long they hope to be able to package the episodes for Kindle so you can subscribe and they’ll automatically download to your Kindle device (or Kindle ap for you phone or computer). Yeah, I think that’s pretty cool, too. There are lots of stories covering different genres and ratings–which are clearly displayed when you glance at the banners, so you’ll know if the story is right for you from the beginning.

Also, today I did an interview with Jennifer Walker on Blog Talk Radio where we talked about my books, critique groups and other fun writing questions. A big thanks to Jennifer for having me on her show. You can check the interview out here.

Listen to internet radio with Jennifer Walker on Blog Talk Radio