Interview with Ida Mae Babbit

Usually I do an interview with book authors, but this time I thought it might be fun to do one with the main character in the story, and Tristi Pinkston was gracious enough to turn the limelight over to Ida Mae, the person Secret Sisters is all about (well, along with...

Author Interview with D.N. Giles

Today I decided to stir the pot a bit and add some unusual questions to my author interview for D.N. about her book and some fun details about her. The Sharp Edge of the Knife is Nichole’s second book in print in four months (she is one busy woman!) HJ: So I...

Interview with J Scott Savage

OK, A big, huge apology to J Scott Savage, Author of Farworld: Water Keep for not getting these posted sooner. My bad. These are the questions I asked him about his books and writing and he returned with some great answers. Check at the bottom of the post for the...