April has been a crazy month with signings, a conference in Ephraim, prep for the LDStorymakers conference next weekend, typesetting clients, and getting my fifth novel out for purchase. My garden is calling to me, I have baby chicks set to hatch this weekend, and painting projects in the miniature golf course my husband and I own, so once this conference is past, I’ll still have more than enough to keep me busy!
Spring always makes me think of rebirth and renewal, the daffodils and tulips put on a great show, but the weeds weren’t far behind. The little lilac bush that I thought died in the drought last summer (yes, I was a watering slacker and it lost all of it’s leaves in August) has come back to my immense relief, and the crab apple tree and cacti are about to burst into bloom. It’s the perfect time of year to launch a new book–and I have two coming out shortly.
The Switch is a companion novel to my book Blank Slate with crossover characters and scenes from the other book. It’s currently available in Kindle format and will be coming out in paper sometime next month. The blurb and cover art are below:

the hospital, but a severe allergic reaction does just that. Her mom’s
hysterics over her brush with death lead to blood tests that reveal Tia
is not her parents’ biological daughter after all.
paramedic firefighter Danny Tullis responds to Tia’s allergic reaction,
he feels a tug of attraction right away. When he keeps running into her
and her little girls, he can’t get Tia out of his mind. Despite their
mutual attraction, the war widow isn’t ready to fall into his arms, but
he’s not about to give up.
Facing the fact that the family she
grew up in is not her own, Tia searches for her real family, and for
answers to how the switch happened in the first place.
As Tia
and Danny keep searching, the truth about Tia’s past is revealed, and
Danny shows Tia that life, and love, are better when they work together.
Can't wait to read The Switch!