Okay, time for the unveiling of my new book cover! I’m totally excited about how cute it turned out, and I can’t wait to hold a copy in my hot little hands. Here it is:
Cute, huh!
And here’s my back cover copy:
Adrianna Mueller may be a world-renowned concert pianist, but when she wakes from her coma after a serious car accident, her ability to perform has disappeared as completely as her lost memory. As she recovers from her injuries, she struggles with the expectations of everyone—her family, friends, and fiancé, Brock—who all want everything to go back to the way it was.

Everyone except Gavin, Adrianna’s brother’s business partner, who finds himself drawn to the woman she is now. But he has his own problems. As he tries to get a handle on a former employee’s embezzlement, he fights his growing feelings for Adrianna.

And then a trip to the emergency room shakes everything up, leaving her to stumble as she tries to regain her footing all over again.
The process of getting ready to publish a book on my own has been different than with a publisher handling most of the tiny details for me, but so far I’ve actually enjoyed it. I have just a little more editing to do tonight and tomorrow and hope to get everything finalized and uploaded into CreateSpace by tomorrow night. That means I won’t have time to get my proof copy, approve it, and order copies for the conference in two weeks, but that’s what I get for allowing myself to get distracted over the past few months.
I’m going to work next week at getting it reformatted and loaded up on all of the ebook platforms, so I’m hoping it’ll be available that way by then. And I still need to make some plans for publicity–so stay tuned to find out what fun things are coming up!