Yeah, I know it’s been nearly three weeks since I blogged last, I’ve been distracted with candy and cookies and cakes–and I’ve had some fun projects and finally managed to get some editing done on “Blank Slate.” So here’s what’s new in my world:

Kathi Oram Peterson interviewed me on her blog. Yeah, it was a couple of weeks ago.

Charlene Hirschi with the Logan Herald Journal gave my book an awesome review–thanks Charlene! You can read that review here on page 5.

I did two cakes last week, but alas, don’t have access to the pictures where I am right now, so I’ll have to post those pictures later.

I enjoyed taking two weeks off from promoting my book to celebrate the holidays, but I’m getting ready to jump back in for the new year, so you should soon be hearing about upcoming signing and hopefully a few more school visits.

January is Tristi Pinkston’s quarterly writing challenge, so I’m announcing my goals for January: First, I need to finish editing Blank Slate and get it submitted to my publisher. Second, I need to finish editing Family By Design and gt it sent out for critiques from a few other authors. And thirdly (if I can squeeze it in), I need to do a minor revision of Rebound and get it back to my editor. This one isn’t desperate until March, but I’d like to clear it off my list this month because it’s been on my mind. I can probably complete it in a full day or a couple of long sessions. On top of this is bringing a new chapter of my WIP to critique each week.

No one ever accused me of not thinking big, right?

Now, anyone out there like free stuff? Anne Bradshaw is doing a weekly giveaway with”A Time to Blopssom”, a young women’s conference being held in Juen this summer–but the giveaway is for a pendant that goes with the theme. You can learn more about the conference and see a picture of the pendant on Anne’s blog here.

Also, Cami Checketts is giving away a TON of books, one every couple of days all month long. Check out this list:

January 2nd – 101 Gourmet Cupcakes by Wendy Paul
January 4th – Where the Wind Blows by Caroline Fyffe
January 6th – Guided By Him…to a Thinner, Not So Stressed-Out You by Julie Morris
January 8th – Chickens in the Headlights by Matthew Buckley
January 9th – Loyalty’s Web by Joyce DiPastena
January 11th – Altered Plans by Rebecca Talley
January 13th – My Son, John by Kathi Macias
January 15th – Discipline Me Right by Mary Simmons
January 16th – The Sister Pact by Cami Checketts
January 18th – Counting the Cost by Liz Adair
January 20th – Methods of Madness by Stephanie Black
January 22nd – Altered State by Gregg Luke
January 23rd – A Tapestry of Spells by Lynn Kurland
January 25th – Women of Virtue by Jodi Robinson
January 27th – Torn Apart by Diony George
January 29th – All the Stars in Heaven by Michele Holmes
January 30th – Love Your Body by Brooke Parker
You can learn more about this on Cami’s blog here,

As for New Year’s resolutions: I have big goals like getting at least two of the three books I’ve got in various stages of editing submitted this year (hopefully all three, but we’ll have to see what happens). I want to actually do something with my garden this year–you know, watering the flowers does seem to help them survive, so that would be good, and if I could pull a weed or two a week, that would be good too. =) And then, of course, like most people I know, I could stand to slim down a bit, so I’m making goals to be more physically active and to eat healthier (shouldn’t be hard to be more active and eat better than I have this past two weeks, anyway). Oh, and blogging more than once every three weeks–definitely near the top of my goals! Have a great new year!