Well Tristi Pinkston has issued her quarterly challenge. She has been calling them her book-in-a-month challenges, but since some of us are planning to edit, it’s whatever writing goal we want to accomplish. I didn’t do so hot last time, but my goal for this challenge for this month is to get my edits done on the book I took to our critique group this past spring and summer (which hasn’t had a full edit through since we finished it there yet), so I can get it to my critiquers for a full-manuscript review. I really want to get it out to them by the tenth (This is pushed back from earlier goals of Dec 15th, Christmas Day, the Saturday after Christmas…I don’t know why I thought I would get anything accomplished while my family was all in town, but sometimes I have these delusions.).

I also want to get my WIP finished, which will only happen if I don’t get the edits back from CFI before the end of the month. If I do get them back earlier than expected, my goal is minimum 20,000 words on my WIP. I already know February is going to be insane because I’m taking a EMT-Intermediate course starting the last weekend of January and running through the first of March, so I need to get as much of my WIP done as possible before class starts.